Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Renwick Three Boys to the Rescue!

Today in the junior playground (only for 5 year olds) the tyres were transformed into a 'Lighthouse' that was in desperate need of repair. Thank goodness so many friends were at hand to pitch in and sort the problem.

Monday, August 20, 2007

School Hangi

We recently had a hangi at school to celebrate Maori language week. Here are some of our friends enjoying the delicious food.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cross Country Training

Over the last few weeks we have been very bust training for the cross country. We started off just running one lap around the front field but now we are fitter and stronger we can do it twice.
We are champions!
We have so much fun racing around the field. We all can run two laps now.
Aiden uses his arms to help him run faster!
Super job girls...only one more lap to go!
Ella is using her arms to make herself go faster too!
Some children have also been practising at home.
Even if we get tired we don't give up. We just slow down and keep going.
When we have finished doing lots of exercise we have been learning how to breathe into our diaphragm. We put one hand on our chest and one hand on our tummy. The hand on our chest stays still while the hand on our tummy goes out when we breathe in and in when we breathe out. This will help our recovery after running the cross country.