Wednesday, November 14, 2007

School Gala!

Last Sunday was the Nelson Central School Gala. What a lot of fun everyone had! We opened the gala singing three of our favourite songs, Te Aroha, Bad Hair Day and The 3 R's. There was plenty of food and entertainment to suit everyone's tastes. Of course our favourite was the milkshake stand!

Getting ready to sing.
The milkshake ladies!
Two little rays of sunshine!
Tony's dad cooked some delicious food ...with the help of Tony of course!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Te Reo

Each Monday afternoon Whaea Lesley comes to teach us Te Reo. We have been learning how to greet eachother, ask how someone is and to follow basic instructions. We have also learned new songs with actions. Whaea Lesley is asking for someone to put the pillow back. I can see Humphrey was putting his hand up to do the job too! Tino pai Humphrey!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Buddy Time!

Every Friday afternoon we get together with our buddy class Room 3. We look forward to this from Monday morning!
We each have a big buddy. We think it is cool fun because it means we have some 'big' friends at school too. They sometimes play with us at morning tea and lunch time.
Last week they were helping us with our skipping techniques as well as creating some beautiful art work.

Super job!
I think they were very impressed with what we could do!

Some friends decided to do art work instead.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Keeping Ourselves Safe

We have started Term 4 off with the topic 'Keeping Ourselves Safe'. We have been lucky enough to have Constable John come in for some lessons to help us out.
We have been talking about times we feel safe and unsafe and how we react. We also took our camera outside to locate 'hazards around Renwick House'. Watch out for these photo's!
Today we acted out some scenario's with Neroli. She pretended to be a stranger asking us to help her look for her lost dog with a bag of lollies. We got to use our very loud assertive voice to say 'NO! I DON"T WANT TO".

Monday, September 17, 2007

Check out our Slide Show!

This is a slide show of how we made ginger beer. The best part was at the end when Neroli had a 'ginger beer shower'! Luckily there was some left over for us to drink.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Mask Parade

On Friday the 12th of October the children from Nelson Central School are going to be in the Mask Parade.
We are currently very busy getting our masks ready. The Kowhai Syndicate are going to be 'Tui's'. Thank you to all the parents who have given up their time to come and help us.

The parents worked very hard cutting, stapling and measuring our helmets for the masks.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Iron Brion Comes to Nelson Central School!

Last week Iron Brion came to visit us at school to teach us all about the four main food groups. They are meat and meat alternatives, fruit and vegetables, bread and cereals and dairy products. It was a terrific show with lots of games and laughter. Some children won prizes. At the end of the show we all got a free hamburger which the parents had prepared for us. They were yummy!

There was a groovy dance competition!

Here are the helpful parents who made our hamburgers. Thanks so much!

Yummy in our tummy!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Making Ginger Beer

Last week we tried two different recipes for making our ginger beer. One of the recipes required a 'bug' (with no legs!). We had to strain the 'bug' through a piece of muslin cloth. Some children thought the bug smelt like bread while others thought the 'bug' might have had a tummy bug!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Renwick Three Boys to the Rescue!

Today in the junior playground (only for 5 year olds) the tyres were transformed into a 'Lighthouse' that was in desperate need of repair. Thank goodness so many friends were at hand to pitch in and sort the problem.

Monday, August 20, 2007

School Hangi

We recently had a hangi at school to celebrate Maori language week. Here are some of our friends enjoying the delicious food.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Cross Country Training

Over the last few weeks we have been very bust training for the cross country. We started off just running one lap around the front field but now we are fitter and stronger we can do it twice.
We are champions!
We have so much fun racing around the field. We all can run two laps now.
Aiden uses his arms to help him run faster!
Super job girls...only one more lap to go!
Ella is using her arms to make herself go faster too!
Some children have also been practising at home.
Even if we get tired we don't give up. We just slow down and keep going.
When we have finished doing lots of exercise we have been learning how to breathe into our diaphragm. We put one hand on our chest and one hand on our tummy. The hand on our chest stays still while the hand on our tummy goes out when we breathe in and in when we breathe out. This will help our recovery after running the cross country.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Friday Fun Day!

For the last two weeks we have been learning about healthy food and in particular what a healthy lunch box looks like.
We finished the topic with healthy shared kai for lunch on Friday. Wow! What a fabulous feast we had. Thank you so much to all the family and friends that helped prepare the nutritious food that was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

It was so hard to decide what to eat! There was so much food we went back again for afternoon tea!

As part of our Healthy Food topic we tried foods that we have never eaten before. We made 'Fairy Rice Crackers'! We talked about how some foods can be healthy but it is what we do to them that makes them unhealthy. When we put the 100's & 1000's onto the rice crackers they weren't so healthy anymore. However we decided we deserved a treat and treats are okay every now and then!
We came up with lots of interesting words to describe the fairy rice crackers, such as, crunchy, colourful, tasty, yummy, white, delicious, messy and they looked like a rainbow!

Friday Fun Day Frog Race! There was a real technique to getting this one right!

Our Grand Champion...Number One!!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The End Planet

In Renwick 3 we all love a great fiction story. Hayden has been very busy at home making a fantastic fictional story about an adventure to the planets with his cat. He was kind enough to take us on his journey last week. We thought it was fabulous. Way to go Hayden! Move over J.K. Rowling!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Folk Dancing Extravaganza!

On Tuesday we held a special day for all our parents, grandparents and friends. We were celebrating and sharing all the learning we have been doing this term.
We finished the afternoon with a folk dancing display.

The Jiffy Mixer! This was really tricky for us to learn but we never gave up and we shone like bright stars in the sky!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Ziggy Comes to School!

On Tuesday morning we had a special visitor to Renwick 3. The children wrote some stories about Ziggy.

Ziggy came to school today. She had a big tummy and was so cute! She licked my hand.
By Hayden

I am patting the dog.
By Levi

Ziggy came to school. I stroked Ziggy.
By Mika

Ziggy came to school. I like Ziggy.
By Alice

Ziggy came to school.
By Eva

Ziggy came to school and it was big fun! Ziggy went to sleep.
By Ella

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

P.J. Day!

On Wednesday we came to school in our P.J.'s. This was because 'p' is the letter of the week. Everyone else in the school thought we were a bit crazy! Our 'p' week has kept us very busy. We have been making popcorn, printing, playing, reading poetry, playing with play dough and puzzles, drawing picture plans, painting, print making, creating pirate ships, and publishing our stories. So it is no wonder we came to school in our P.J.'s ...we are exhausted!

As always we look gorgeous!

The autumn leaves are trying to hide Yasmina's runaway manderine!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Book Character Day

On Thursday the Kowhai Syndicate had a book character dress up day. This was because 'b' was the letter of the week. There were Princess's, Pirates, Spidermen, Little Red Riding Hoods, Dalmatians, Tigger, Bob the Builder, Batman, Fairies, Gruffalo's and Cat in a Hat! Neroli was Bad Jelly the Witch. However she wasn't that bad because she managed to turn our play dough into lollipops with one of her magic spells!
We had a terrific day with lots of fun and laughter.

We looked fabulous!
Neroli helped us to make one of her magic potions...otherwise known as raspberry jelly! This made for a great afternoon treat along with the goodies from Melany and Alice's Little Red Riding Hood baskets.

Kindy Visit

On Wednesday Room 12 and Renwick 3 walked down to visit our old friends at Brook Street Kindergarten. We had such a wonderful morning. We would like to go back again sometime soon!

We discovered lots of new toys too!
Just my size!

We did lots of painting and drawing.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Maitai Dam Trip

This week we went on a class trip to the Maitai Dam to help us learn where water comes from. Our 'tour guide' was called Trevor. He showed us around and gave us lots of interesting information.

We used our best listening skills and then we were aloud to ask Trevor questions. I was pleased that William asked "What is a dam?"

Trevor took us into the large tunnel that runs underneath the dam. The pipes were humongous!

This is the reservoir of water. As you can see we had a perfect day to visit the dam.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Caught being good!

We are such super kids in Renwick 3 that it isn't difficult for Neroli to catch us being good! Our social skill for this week is being in the 'right place'.

When the bell goes at the end of morning tea we all know to come straight back to class and to get our reading boxes out. Here we are doing the right thing, at the right time and right place.

Social skills

Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning how to appropriately deal with people who say things to us that we don't like while we are in the playground.

The first thing we do is stand tall and say...

"Stop it, I don't like it." If that doesn't work....

We find the duty teacher wearing an orange jacket to help us sort out our issues.
During break times there is a duty teacher in the adventure playground, the front field, the quad area and back field. There are also peer mediators wearing bright yellow vests who are also specifically trained to help us.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Our Suter Trip

This week we had a class trip to The Suter to learn all about how a tivaevae is made. The teachers name was Esther and she taught us lots of things about tivaevae, such as,
* tivaevae are made in groups
*the skills are passed down through the elders
*tivaevae have leaves and flowers on them
We then got to make our own patch to make a class tivaevae. We were so lucky to have so many wonderful mums and dads to come and help us because it was quite tricky
cutting and gluing all the materials.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Super Suprise!

Today we had a super surprise at school. Ronald McDonald came to visit us! We went to the hall thinking it was for assembly and while we were waiting for the other classes to arrive Dianne found Ronald McDonald outside in the playground. Wow! He made us laugh and laugh with his story about his missing sock. While he acted out his story looking for his sock he taught us lots of safe ways to behave as a pedestrian. This is the poem he shared with us.
Stop, Look and Listen
Stop, look and listen
Before you cross the street.
Use your eyes, use your ears
Before you use your feet.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Top Twenty

Last Friday the school had 'Top Twenty'. This is to reward all the students who are able to abide by the 3 school rules. Everyone in Renwick 3 got an extra 20 minutes to play after lunch. Some of us were playing in the Junior Playground where Neroli was on duty. This playground is only for 5 years olds.

We made it to the top!

Hold on tight everyone!