Wednesday, November 14, 2007

School Gala!

Last Sunday was the Nelson Central School Gala. What a lot of fun everyone had! We opened the gala singing three of our favourite songs, Te Aroha, Bad Hair Day and The 3 R's. There was plenty of food and entertainment to suit everyone's tastes. Of course our favourite was the milkshake stand!

Getting ready to sing.
The milkshake ladies!
Two little rays of sunshine!
Tony's dad cooked some delicious food ...with the help of Tony of course!


Room Nine Kids! said...

Well done Milkshake ladies!

Wasn't it great that we raised so much money in the gala!!

~Rachel, Room 9 NCS

Tekau ma rua inquirers said...

Wow, sounds like a fantastic gala. I love milkshakes too.

I've enjoyed reading about your activities over the year. You must have had a wonderful time (and learnt lots).

All the best
Gary Johnston
Wanganui East School