Friday, June 1, 2007

Maitai Dam Trip

This week we went on a class trip to the Maitai Dam to help us learn where water comes from. Our 'tour guide' was called Trevor. He showed us around and gave us lots of interesting information.

We used our best listening skills and then we were aloud to ask Trevor questions. I was pleased that William asked "What is a dam?"

Trevor took us into the large tunnel that runs underneath the dam. The pipes were humongous!

This is the reservoir of water. As you can see we had a perfect day to visit the dam.


Room 14 Nelson Central said...

Hi Renwick 3,
Wow - what a busy class you are. I love your blog, it is neat to have a look at and read about all the wonderful things you are up to. Your trip to the Matai dam must have been very interesting. I will have to keep coming back to see what else you are up to.

molly said...

Hi renwick 3 you look like a very active class from molly in room 9.