On Thursday the Kowhai Syndicate had a book character dress up day. This was because 'b' was the letter of the week. There were Princess's, Pirates, Spidermen, Little Red Riding Hoods, Dalmatians, Tigger, Bob the Builder, Batman, Fairies, Gruffalo's and Cat in a Hat! Neroli was Bad Jelly the Witch. However she wasn't that bad because she managed to turn our play dough into lollipops with one of her magic spells!
We had a terrific day with lots of fun and laughter.
We looked fabulous!
Neroli helped us to make one of her magic potions...otherwise known as raspberry jelly! This made for a great afternoon treat along with the goodies from Melany and Alice's Little Red Riding Hood baskets.
Having a book character day was such a lovely idea. I can see from the photos that everyone has gone to some trouble to dress up - well done. You will have to thank your parents for their help won't you?
Dr Potaka
Great dressing up Renwick 3. Alice really enjoyed dressing as Little Red Riding Hood and sharing her cake and lemonade with everyone. We love this blog site and so does Alice's family overseas. Well done! From Nicola, Alice's Mum.
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